
Monday, January 17, 2005

What we've been watching lately:

On TV: Clare says "Medium" is lousy; we remain hooked on the "CSI" shows, with "CSI:NY" being my favorite. We've given up on "Law & Order," the original version, but still watch the "Criminal Intent" and "SVU" spinoffs. We did watch the orignal last week, when DA Southerlyn ended her tenure on the show with "Is this because I'm a lesbian?"...WHAT!!?? They never portrayed her character as a lesbian! What was that all about?

At the movie theater:
"Finding Neverland" made me cry. Johnny Depp is awesome.

"A Home at the End of World" -- another tearjerker. GREAT movie. Loved it.
"The Village" -- not what I expected, but good. An interesting premise, but could have been more deeply explored. For instance, I'd like to know more about what the elders thought would happen after they died off...who would carry on what they created? In any case,"Unbreakable" remains my Shymalan favorite.

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